



The Shiawassee Artists’ Guild is a Mid-Michigan, organization. Membership is open to all active artists working in any medium. Its purpose is to be a meeting place for local artists to come together, to learn, and to gain support from old and new friendships.  The SAG meets monthly (the third Tuesday of each month) at the Shiawassee Arts Center.  Meetings take many forms – workshops, demonstrations, discussions, critiques, work-sessions and gallery tours.  The meetings are very informal and are filled with inspiration and artistic camaraderie!

The Artists’ Guild shares a close association with SAC, where a themed exhibit of the group is featured every year highlighting each member’s area of artistic expertise.  Guild members enter other exhibits as a group in galleries within Michigan. Individual artist guild members also exhibit in galleries, enter competitions and sell their work in various galleries throughout the state.

Another goal of the Shiawassee Artists’ Guild is to promote local art. This is not just to benefit local artists; it is also to encourage the people in the Owosso area to be aware of the many talented artists who live among them. Guild members hope the public will then be encouraged to join them, by participating in the artistic process and celebrating the artistic endeavor on a personal level.

About Us 

We are an organization of artists and art lovers in the Shiawassee County area.  We are a growing group who share a passion for creativity and a multitude of talents.

Support each other’s lives and artistic endeavors

Observe & record the world around us

Be inspired by people, places and ideas

Express emotion, color, texture and space

Learn from others and masters of the past

Share ideas, techniques and inspiration

These are things the members of the Shiawassee Artists’ Guild strive to do in their
individual and joint pursuits of art. The guild is a group of mid-Michigan artists
working in varied art media: painting in oils, acrylics, mixed media, watercolors and
pastels, drawing, pen & ink, photography, printmaking, pottery and ceramic
sculpture, jewelry making & collage – the list goes on and on…

SAG is exhibiting at the Shiawassee Arts Center March 12- April 28, 2024


Bonnie Brown
Oils, Acrylics, Pastels, Watercolors, Mixed Media, Colored Pencils

Dan Chrenka

Jeanne Curtis
Water-media, Mixed Media

Linda Justice
Watercolors, & Acrylics

Jann Johnson Lardie
Ceramic Sculpture, Pottery, Watercolors, Pastels, Jewelry, 
Mixed Media

Philip Martin-Luckhurst
 Watercolors, Oil, Charcoal

Regina Moskal
Acrylics, Watercolors, 
Colored Pencils

Jennifer Ross
Oils, Acrylics & Pastels

Linda Ruehle
Pottery, Ceramic Sculpture, 
Mixed Media

Maureen Ryan
Water Media, Collage, Mixed Media, Clay

Linda Van Cise
Watercolors, Oils, Pastels & Mixed Media

Barb Walworth
Mixed Media

Mary Gougeon
Porcelain and Stoneware Pottery

206 Curwood Castle Drive
Owosso, MI 48867

Mon-Fri | 10-5 pm
Sat | 12-3 pm

Non-Profit 501(c)3 organization
Celebrating 53rd Anniversary in 2025


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