Over 70 Artists work on display at The Wesener Building 104 N. Washington St. Owosso, Mi. 48867
The Shiawassee Arts Center (SAC), celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2022, will be offering a special 14-week exhibit, “Pictorial History of Owosso“, May 6 – August 14 along with this limited-edition hardcover book that mirrors the free exhibit. Partnering with Owosso Public Schools, guided tours will be offered to hundreds of students who will be bussed in to view the exhibit and create art. Guided walking tours, lectures, a downtown Pop-Up art gallery and more will be offered during this community celebration. Please continue to visit this site for updates on special events and times.
Schedule of Events:
April 24th, Sunday at 1pm: Kicking off SAC’s 50th Anniversary, Brick Walkway Ribbon Cutting
May 6th, Friday at 6-9pm:Opening Reception– Pictorial History of Owosso exhibition on display, Live music, Delicious appetizers from 6 Owosso restaurants, Drinks and Auction items!
May 7th, Saturday, 10am- 2pm:SAC’s Pop-up gallery will be open downtown! Come check out all our Artists right in the heart of Owosso! Open Tuesday- Friday Noon-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm
June 4th, Saturday, Noon- 2pm: Scribblers Book Club reading and book signing
June 9th, Thursday, Noon:‘Food for Thought’ Luncheon with speaker Bill Ballenger, on “Owosso’s Famous Politicians” Tickets: Members $25 Guests $30
June 14th, Tuesday, Noon: ‘Food for Thought’ Luncheon with speaker Clark Harder, on “Memories of WOAP” Tickets: Members $25 Guests $30
June 21st, Tuesday, Noon:‘Food for Thought’ Luncheon with speaker Elizabeth Wehmann, on “Early Shiawassee County History”, book signing after talk Tickets: Members $25 Guests $30
June 29th, Wednesday, Noon:‘Food for Thought’ Luncheon with speaker Piper Brewer, on “A Step Back in Time” Tickets Members $25 Guests $30
July 15th, Friday, 2pm: Speakers Margaret (Lyons) Rockwell and Carolyn (Lyons) Holmes, on ” First White Settlers in Owosso” Tickets $10
July 24th, Sunday, 1-2:30pm:Guided Walking Tour, Sample a few of Owosso’s historical and architectural treasures with a guided tour of Oliver Street Historic District
July 30th, Saturday, Morning- Afternoon: Come and watch the Artists from the Great Lakes Plein Air Painters Association paint around Curwood Castle Park
August 7th, Sunday, 1-2:30pm:Guided Walking Tour, Sample a few of Owosso’s historical and architectural treasures with a guided tour of Oliver Street Historic District
August 14th, Sunday, 1pm:Bike Scavenger Hunt, bring your bike, helmet and your friends to be part of this partnership between SAC and the House of Wheels bike shop in Westown. Refreshments, prizes and high-fives afterward at the Arts Center
Auction Items
“Phoenix” by artist John Safer
“Humming Bird” by Artist Tim Widener
Thanks to many kind and generous supporters including the following: